Антисемитизм мне чужд, но какая же мерзкая личность этот раввин. Какая мерзкая, отвратительная личность он и подобные ему моральные дегенераты. С
3:23 минуты.
Christopher Hitchens: There are things a normal, morally normal, even morally average, or mediocre person would not, unprompted, do. For example, hold down their daughter at the age of six, tear off her underwear and cut her genitalia with a sharp stone. They would not do that if they did not think God was telling them to do it, or the mullahs, or, if it’s a boy the rabbis, were telling them to do it. One of the reasons why I have the lurid subtitle I do, for my book: Religion is a poison, is that it makes ordinary moral people, compels them, forces them, in some cases orders them to do disgusting, wicked, unforgivable things. There is no expiation for the generations of misery and suffering that religion has inflicted in this way and continues to inflict and I still have not heard enough apology for it.
sсriрtRabbi: Christopher, I have to call you down on referring to circumcision as genital mutilation. My son cried more at his first haircut than he did at his bris.
Christopher Hitchens: You weren’t doing it right then.
Rabbi: Statistically the only long term effect that it has on people is increasing their chances of winning a Nobel Prize.
Christopher Hitchens: I can’t find the compulsory mutilation of the genitals of children the subject for humour in that way, or flippancy in that way. My monody says very plainly that it is designed to repress sexual pleasure, to deprive a male child as far as possible of the opportunity of that. The full excision, not just the snip or the full mandatory covenant is fantastically painful, leads to trauma, leads to the dulling of the sexual relationship and can be in itself life threatening at that moment. We have the records, I can show them to you, of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of boy babies in the United States who’ve died or had life threatening infections as a result of this disgusting practice. That you, a person as humane as yourself, can sit here and think of that as a fit subject for humour shows what I mean. Religion makes morally normal people say and do disgusting and wicked things and you have just proved my point. Shame on you for saying what you have just said! Shame on you for saying it about your own son! My God!
What next? Cutting the labia of little girls? At least Judaism does not do that! What if a Muslim was to say to you just now: "My little girl cried more at her first haircut than when I cut off her clitoris."? What would you think of me if I was to say such a disgusting thing? Remember we are not talking about detail here. We are talking about whether religion makes people behave better or not.